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Boots On The Ground
respite Retreats for Veterans, spouses, & Military Families

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A Mother's Rest is a strong supporter of all U.S. military families!

Whether you are active duty, combat-impacted, and/or have your own disabled child at home,

AMR is here to SERVE YOU TOO. 


The challenges of military life are inherently great, and are exponentially multiplied if you're also raising a child with disabilities.  These parents share a common bond, and can greatly benefit from time away to breathe and rest in quiet fellowship with others like them.


In 2021, we held several respite retreats at our inn in NORTH GEORGIA for military families (spouses/wives/mothers as caregivers and also for couples) .   However, we can only fit so many into the calendar while we primarily serve parents of disabled children.

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Veteran Couples at Lawton Place Manor in North Georgia

The needs were already great, but with the crisis unfolding in Afghanistan, we feel compelled to secure a THIRD respite inn, to serve more military families specifically.   An inn property in Eastern North Carolina is close to many more coastal military bases and installations.  There,  we can provide more focused health and fellowship support  for these caregivers and families,

with a minimum of two retreats per month.


We are currently considering four suitable inn properties.  As always, we are up against the clock to raise capital funding from many different sources.   Funds donated will be held  for the purchase of this Veteran Focused Respite Inn until we raise what we need for the right property.





7 beds, 7 1/2 baths

.72 acre

Built 1907


6 beds, 6 1/2 baths

1 acre

Built 1916


8 beds, 9 baths

.32 acre

Built 1903


8 beds, 9 baths

5 acres

Built 1900


If you are a spouse, parent, or significant other caring for a combat-injured veteran (including physical injury, PTSD, etc), please join our private FB support group . 


You can also lead the fundraising charge to help us purchase a new inn with dedicated year-round respite inn space, just for these spouses and caregivers. 

Please inquire about this new capital campaign! 

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